IDA Disassemblies Gallery


IDA is the most powerful disassembler for 68K UNIX COFF Files. The Motorola 68K family of processors is huge and very widely used. A few sample parts: MC68000, MC68010, MC68020, MC68030, MC68040, MC68330, MC68882, MC68851, MC68020EX, MC68302 Integrated Communication Processor, MC68306 68K/ColdFire, MC68331 68K/ColdFire, MC68332 68K/ColdFire, MC68336 68K/ColdFire, MC68340 68K/ColdFire, MC68360 Integrated Communication Processor, MC68F375 68K/ColdFire, MC68376 68K/ColdFire, etc.

Assembler code
.text:000001AC .text:000001AC ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E ======================================= .text:000001AC .text:000001AC ; Attributes: bp-based frame .text:000001AC .text:000001AC global new_main .text:000001AC new_main: ; CODE XREF: main+16↑p .text:000001AC .text:000001AC var_C = -$C .text:000001AC .text:000001AC link a6,#-$10 .text:000001B2 movem.l 0,$10+var_C(sp) .text:000001B8 fmovem 0,$10+var_C.l(sp) .text:000001C2 .text:000001C2 qwerty: ; CODE XREF: new_main+96↓j .text:000001C2 pea var_C+4(a6) .text:000001C6 pea var_C+8(a6) .text:000001CA move.l #aLdLd,-(sp) ; "%ld %ld" .text:000001D0 jsr (scanf).l .text:000001D6 adda.w #$C,sp .text:000001DA tst.l var_C+8(a6) .text:000001DE bne.w loc_200 .text:000001E2 tst.l var_C+4(a6) .text:000001E6 bne.w loc_200 .text:000001EA move.l (fignqm).l,d0 .text:000001F0 add.l (fignqn).l,d0 .text:000001F6 add.l (fignqr).l,d0 .text:000001FC bra.w loc_246 .text:00000200 ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .text:00000200 .text:00000200 loc_200: ; CODE XREF: new_main+32↑j .text:00000200 ; new_main+3A↑j .text:00000200 move.l var_C+4(a6),(sp) .text:00000204 move.l var_C+8(a6),-(sp) .text:00000208 jsr (b1).l