Precompiled PySide binaries for IDA Pro

In a previous blog post we mentioned that it is possible to use IDA Pro with PySide (Python + Qt) after applying some minor code patches to PySide. For convenience purposes, we precompiled the PySide libraries that work with IDA Pro 6.0+ and Python 2.6/2.7. Below is a brief explanation on […]

Implementing command completion for IDAPython

In this blog post we are going to illustrate how to use the command line interpreter (CLI) interface from Python and how to write a basic command completion functionality for the Python CLI.

Using custom viewers from IDAPython

Custom viewers can be used to display arbitrary textual information and can be used in any IDA plugin.They are used in IDA-View, Hex-View, Enum and struct views and the Hex-Rays decompiler. In this blog entry we are going to write an ASM file viewer in order to demonstrate how to create a custom viewer and […]